
Archive for November 21st, 2008

On-Course Discourse

Skype Conversation w/ Gabe and Tycho (while on IRC with #battleforum):

McClaud: God I’m beginning to love Fridays. I can go home right now!
Gabe: it’s like … i’ve never had to really do anything about it, but i want to. you know?
Tycho: It’s apparent that you lack – how do they say it – le balls?
Gabe: fuck you
McClaud: I just said this over on the #battleforum:
McClaud: “It’s like I’ve been licking the corporate Tootsie Pop for 10 years and now I’ve reached the carmel Friday center and can ENJOY it for once.”
McClaud: And suddenly, I came to the realization that I’m channeling Tycho.
Tycho: Oh shit, don’t do that. You’ll lose friends and piss off acquaitances.
Gabe: you tapped your brahe lore skill
McClaud: While I chuckled, I’m thinking what you just said would have been funnier if I play WoW.
Gabe: its not WOW its 4e d&d
McClaud: Which would explain why it’s still not as funny as it could be.
Tycho: Trust me – he’s never as funny as he could be.
Gabe: this is becoming a nasty habit, but i must once again say
Gabe: in all caps
Tycho: Ah, so poetic and so lucid, these two amble words of solidarity.

And so I go home.

But before I do so, I’d like to mention that next week, I’m only here Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, so there will be only ONE entry next week on Tuesday night.

I figure, since the news has been so fucking repetitive lately, no big loss.

Have a great weekend.

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