
Archive for September 11th, 2008

Man, Sticky Situations

I already wrote once about the obstacles the Republicans and McCain are creating for themselves as we press on to November. Now it seems they want to keep adding obstacles.

  • McCain talked about being too negative in this race on Tuesday. Then today, he went on being double-talk negative about Obama’s community service record. It was sort of an awkward praise/kick moment that left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths. Some people are all, “WTF was that?”
  • And then McCain botches a few TV interviews, especially when talking about his running mate. It makes it seem like he’s a stuttering, unconfident muppet on TV. It wouldn’t have hurt so bad if the Internet wasn’t passing them around like candy to every voter/blog.
  • The Conservative Double Standard. It’s now a joke among thousands of Independents he needs to gain to win. NOT HELPING. Need to watch what they say compared to what they SAID up to a year ago.
  • Popular GOP (ex- or current) politicians calling Palin a “cocky wacko” or a “pandering poodle.” (The last one came from Republican Senator Mel Martinez).
  • Palin said that the US may have to go to war with Russia over Georgia when a majority of US voters are weary of the war speak. This caused some uncomfortable opinion shuffling (such as Giulliani’s uncomfortable, “She’ll have to watch herself when she talks about those issues,” quote).
  • A large portion of working moms are not jumping on Palin’s bandwagon. In fact, there is a growing concern among working moms that she’ll do more damage as the Vice-Pres than a governor. McCain’s people are doing nothing to combat that.

As I mentioned before, Palin was probably the best thing McCain could do to help his campaign. However, there are signs of horrible mismanagement and schitzophrenic behavior in his campaign since her acceptance speech that people are cooling a lot faster on her than they anticipated. Again, she needs to start focusing on talking about issues (not just blasting the opposition) and not doing things like waving a mentally disabled child around like a rallying flag (i.e. pandering excessively to people). She’s already taken flak from her pandering/spending in Alaska. She has to nip it in the bud now.

On a related note, Russia’s now blasting on us about arming Eastern Europe. Venezula and Bolivia are kicking our US ambassadors out the door. While we have some support in raiding Pakistan, China is now coming to Pakistan’s aid to stop us from doing it. What a great month this is turning out to be.

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